

Portamento is an effect similar to a glissando, where the pitch changes in continuous glide from one note to the next, through all the intermediate pitches.


Sustain adds a slow, natural decay to the Voices. It is particularly effective on piano and stringed instrument Voices, making the sound richer and more authentic on slowly played passages.


Reverb effect with different reverb types lets you add rich, extra depth and expression to the sound to create a realistic acoustic ambience.


It alters the sound of the voices, with use of pitch modulation. Two basic types are provided: Chorus and Flanger. Chorus produces a thicker, warmer, and more animated sound, whereas Flanger creates a swirling, metallic effect.

Touch Response Keyboard

The touch response keyboard tracks the pressure applied to each key, changing the sound to correspond to that pressure for a more subtle, fluid, piano-style of playing.

Pitch Bend Wheel

Use the pitch bend wheel to dynamically adjust the sound of the keyboard. It would adds realism to voices like electric guitar.