Yamaha Audio System Installed At Congress Centrum Ulm

Located on the banks of the Danube river, in central southern Germany, the city of Ulm is an economic centre for eastern Baden-Württemberg and western Bavaria. Recently a new audio system was installed at Congress Centrum Ulm (CCU), the main city centre venue for corporate events and entertainment, with a Yamaha solution chosen for mixing and control.
Attached to the Maritim Hotel, Congress Centrum Ulm (CCU) features two main auditoriums, Einstein Saal and the smaller Kepler Saal, both with adjacent foyers, plus the outdoor Gartensaal. Einstein Saal can host gatherings of up to 1,500 people, with Einsteinfoyer able to accommodate a similar number for stand-up receptions.
The upgrade to the audio system took place during a short pause in Germany’s Covid-19 lockdown, which made straightforward installation and programming of the system a priority. Karlsruhe-based fein.media GmbH was contracted to design and install the system, which featured an MTX5-D matrix processor for central system control and routing, with a QL5 digital mixing console and Rio1608-D2 I/O rack installed in the Einstein Saal. The entire system was installed on a Dante network, with an MCP1 wall-mount panel providing straightforward control for venue staff.
“The system covers the main Einstein Saal, its foyer and there are additional delay lines to relay background music, announcements and event audio throughout CCU,” says Frank Müller, project manager at fein.media.
“We chose the Yamaha solution because it is an industry standard. We have installed quite a few Yamaha systems and they have always proved to be reliable, working without any failures for long periods of time. It had the advantage of the MCP1 control panel also making the system very easy to use for staff.
“Furthermore, most sound engineers are familiar with Yamaha digital mixers, so the QL5 was the best choice to meet the venue’s needs of flexibility, familiarity and budget. The customer is very happy with the ease of use, audio quality and performance of the system.”

Ulm, Germany